How to become rich || 100% Guaranteed success


You want to be wealthy, you want to be a millionaire, you want to make more money, honey. I know how money works. Money is an energy that is very important in life. I also came from a poor family. I'm actually an immigrant, and my parents are immigrants. I went from being poor to becoming a millionaire at 24.

Now, the things I will mention in this article are things that people sell. They make multiple off of selling these types of content. But I’m not going to sell them; I’m just going to give them to you for free. This is everything I learned, and it’s what you can learn too.

  • Influence

First things first, the first thing you should look at is your influence. If you want to make more money, how much is your influence? I was reading this book about business and entrepreneurship, and there was a story about a teacher. This teacher was teaching a class of 25 young students, and she had created a book or board game for these kids that they absolutely loved.

These kids were obsessed with this thing, and all the parents would come to this teacher and ask, "Why aren't you getting paid more money? This book, this board game, is so amazing. You should get paid more." But she said, "I don't know. I'm only earning $2,000 a month."

Then she understood the importance of influence. That’s when she started to take this book or board game worldwide. She began selling it to millions of kids, and that’s when she started to make millions.

If you want to see how much money you can make, you have to sell to more people, because that's how much money you will make. For example, if you look at artists who write music, hundreds of millions of people listen to their songs. That's why they become multi-millionaires.

If you look at my influence, I have over 10 million people following me on all of my platforms combined. By now, I should have been a multi-millionaire. However, at the beginning of my career, I chose not to work with any brands or do anything. I’ve changed that now because it's not fair to me. I cannot give to people and not receive, because that’s not how the universal law works. You must receive when you give, or else you will always feel depleted and never grow.

It’s not a good thing. If you look at doctors, how many people do they operate on in a day? Ten people get paid for those operations. Now, if you go worldwide, like even authors, people who sell books, or comedians, they affect millions of people. Even influencers affect millions of people—they are entertainment for millions. That’s why these people become millionaires.

  • Help Others

Next, think about how what you’re selling or doing helps people or how you are delivering a service. See, in this world, you only become wealthy by helping others because we’re all one, and we’re all created to help each other. Anything that you have in life, even something as simple as clothes, helps you. For instance, the things I’m wearing right now help me because I can cover myself up, and I can wear something I like.

Makeup, for example, helps people feel more confident. All these things—whether it’s clothing, makeup, or anything else—help people. My videos, too, help by giving advice and motivation. I’m helping people.

If you look at comedians, they make people laugh, and they put people in a high vibrational state. They are also helping people. Every single person, whether it’s Twitch streamers, football players, or anyone else, is delivering entertainment. They make people feel less lonely and pull people out of their problems daily. People who sell kitchenware, like mugs, also help others because now you have something to drink from.

Start thinking about how you can help people. If your goal is simply to become rich for yourself, you will never be able to become rich. The only way you can become rich is through other people. And for other people to give you their money, you have to deliver a service. You have to help them in some way. You have to make their life easier.

  • Address Negative Thoughts

Another thing you should address is whether you have negative thoughts about money. You might say, "No, I don’t. I’m obsessed with money." I was always obsessed with money ever since I was young. But I did have negative thoughts. When the moment came that I had a big platform and could monetize it, I couldn’t do it because I was scared.

In my head, I thought, "No, I don’t want to accept the money." People are even afraid of having a lot of money. For example, think about tomorrow if you receive $100 million. That thought might scare you. You might not want it. Why? Because you’re afraid you will lose your passion for your work. You’re afraid you will stop hustling as much because, right now, this is what makes you happy—hustling and having that passion.

But imagine if tomorrow you received $100 million. You might feel like, "Maybe I don’t need to do this anymore." Right now, I know I receive my money from what I do, but I also have a passion for it. It's not just about one goal.

If you have negative thoughts about money or if you think people with money are evil, address that head-on. You can never attract money while being angry at it or demonizing it. You shouldn’t demonize money. Also, for the religious people who say, "We’re not meant to be happy on this Earth, money is a demon," let me tell you something—you are the demon. Once you understand that the devil you’re blaming is actually you, your life will start to change.

  • Change Your Perspective

The thing is, we all want to demonize money, but the truth is, it just amplifies who you are. If you’re not a good person right now, with more money, you won’t be a better person. In fact, you could be even worse.

But if you’re a good person, for example, I was always generous even when I only had $2 left in my pocket. I would give that $2 to my brother, even though I wanted to buy something for myself. I’ve always been generous. Now that I have money, I’m even more generous. I spend more on other people than I spend on myself.

Money amplifies who you are. So, if you think money is a demon, maybe you are the demon. Maybe you need to realize that you’re the problem. It’s not about the money—money is just a tool to amplify who you really are.

You need to combat these thoughts and ideas because they might have come from your parents. Maybe they taught you that money is not good, that people with money are bad, or that money is evil. But listen: broke people will use you more than anyone else. 100%.

If you have these thoughts, it’s time to rewire your mind. I even have a money meditation affirmation on my channel. You can check it out or look for others. Repeat to yourself, "Money loves me, I love money, I deserve to have money, I deserve to be wealthy." You have to start realizing that you deserve it. Struggling is not cool. Struggle is not something you should strive for—not in love, not in friendships, and not with money.

Stop thinking this way. The wealthy don’t think this way. They make the poor think this way, so they keep being poor.

  • Don’t Look Rich

The thing is, do not try to look rich. Actually, be rich. I feel like in the beginning, when you don’t really have money, a lot of people, especially influencers, try to portray an image of wealth. But if you look at actual wealthy people, they don’t dress that way. They always say that luxury brands and all these things are for who? They sell to the poor. All the people who are insecure and trying to validate themselves.

These things shouldn’t validate you. You should validate yourself. You can walk out tomorrow looking homeless and still feel good about yourself. That’s how strong and confident you should be. Also, a lot of people go broke trying to look rich. It’s hard to stay rich because now your lifestyle is going up.

Before, maybe you weren’t paying rent, and you were living with your parents. But now, you live in an apartment that costs $10,000 a month. You might still feel like you're in the same position you were before because your expenses go up. For celebrities, the expenses go even higher because they have to pay for their assistants, managers, and so much more. They go broke trying to sustain an unsustainable lifestyle.

It’s easy to get the money, but what if you lose your credibility? What if you’re not famous anymore tomorrow? Or what if you get an injury and you can’t play football or sports anymore? What will you do when you have all these expenses? Think about being actually rich and don’t try to look rich just to impress people.

  • Asset vs. Liability

Another thing to think about is assets versus liabilities. In life, you have to think like this: when you buy something, ask yourself, "Is this thing going to give me a bigger return, or am I just losing money?"

Let’s say you buy a luxury car. Then ask yourself, "How can I make money off of this car so I can keep having money, instead of just draining it?" You could think, "Okay, I can rent out this car, and people can pay me to rent it." Or, you could buy a big house and turn it into an Airbnb, renting out rooms to get returns. Or, you could put a down payment for an apartment, then rent it out to tenants, getting money every month.

Think like that. These are assets—things that you buy that bring in money. But liabilities are things that you buy and get nothing back from. For example, many luxury bags don’t go up in value. They just sit in your closet and rot away. You won’t get anything from them.

But if you buy something like a Birkin bag, it might go up in value. You can resell it for a higher price. It’s hard to get a Birkin from a store, but if you do, you can sell it for more. Try to minimize your liabilities and maximize your assets—things that bring in money instead of draining it out of your pocket.

  • Investing

Investing your money in the stock market—so I do this, I actually pay someone else about 10% of what I make, and they invest for me because I don’t really understand it. It’s not really about crypto, Bitcoin, and all these things because these things are very volatile. It’s more about investing in the actual economy.

If the economy goes up significantly in a year, let’s say, I can make 30% off of a $100,000 investment. If it goes up only a little bit, I can make 10-15%. Now, maybe that’s not a lot—like 10 to 15 thousand dollars in a year—but that’s more than it just sitting in my account and doing nothing.

In the same way, if you put it in a savings account, you could make, let’s say, $4,000 in a year off of $100,000, which is a 4% return. Think about these things: money can make money just by sitting somewhere and growing. If you just hold it long-term in that position, it can grow—not crazy amounts, but it still grows.

  • Love What You Do

You have to love what you do or what you sell. See, I watch my own videos, and I think my own videos are amazing. When I feel down, I watch myself because I truly think I’m a gem, an icon—that’s how I see myself. So I love what I do. I wake up, and I can’t wait to make a video. I can’t wait to even gather knowledge for my videos. I live for this.

In the same way, if you’re going to sell something or a product, make sure you love that product. That’s how you sell with conviction. You can’t put something out there that you don’t even love and try to sell it. People will know you don’t think it’s amazing, and that’s the energy you give off with your product. Whatever you do, make sure that you believe in it first.

  • Be Ready to Work

Be ready to work. If you want to become wealthy, you want to become a millionaire, whatever your goal is, you will have to work. You will almost have to give away your whole life just to work. I saw this quote that said it’s almost like turning a 9-to-5 into a 24/7. This is 100% true.

In the last three years of doing my YouTube and all my content, I don’t even know the last time I relaxed—not when I was on vacation, not anywhere. The whole time, I’ve been doing content. If I read a book, I read it and write it down because it can help my followers. If I see a documentary, I write it down because it can help my followers. It’s almost like I live for my followers. Honestly, sometimes I get very drained and almost burned out from this, but at the same time, I live for this.

So, you have to be ready to give your life for whatever you want. If you want to become very successful, you have to give your life for it. I know people who own restaurants, and every day they’re there. They’ve been doing this for 30 years, showing up and working as if they’re still not there yet. The same thing with men who run their own businesses. If you’ve ever dated one, you’ll see they rarely have time to talk to you—they’re constantly on their phone working.

The same goes for athletes—basketball players, football players—all these people. Yes, they might go to the club sometimes, but most of the time, they’re training, working, and watching their food. They give their life for this. If you want to make a lot of money, be prepared to give away a lot of your life and relationships. It’s not easy.

The issue is that you’re not relying on a stable income every month. If you don’t work, there is no money. So it’s all on you, and the pressure is extremely high. If you don’t take care of yourself like an athlete, and something happens to you, you’re done.

  • Do Not Revolve Around You

Another thing is, do not make the product you’re selling revolve around you—especially for influencers and celebrities. The issue with this is that when you make it about you, the product’s success will depend on your popularity. If you go down in popularity, so does your product.

The best thing is to create a product that’s separate from you. Make it a product that can stand as an individual entity, even when your popularity decreases. Many celebrities fail in business because once people start to dislike them, they boycott their business. So, create something that delivers its own service to people, separate from your identity.

  • Be Generous but Have Your Limits

I believe that in life, what you give is what you get back. I’m very generous, especially to women. I believe the more you give to a woman, the more you receive. It’s almost like an offering to the divine feminine. Successful and wealthy men often take care of women because they understand this.

At the beginning of my career, I gave all my earnings to my mom. I paid off her house and bought her cars. However, there’s a limit. Overly generous people often don’t get respected. Generosity can lead to being used because your love is unconditional, and people often take advantage of that. It’s important to recognize when you’re being used and set boundaries.

Always give, but also make sure you’re receiving in return.

  • Do Not Overspend

Do not overspend on things you don’t need. This goes back to trying to look rich. Many people buy things they can’t afford just to fit in, but this only leads to self-sabotage. You’re not playing the game with actual wealthy people. These people have yachts and jets, and you can never win that game. Don’t try to impress others with things you can’t afford. Focus on your own growth and don’t spend to validate yourself, as you’ll never feel good enough.

  • Have a Plan

Many people pursue their passions without having a plan B. Actors, models, influencers, and YouTubers who really make it are the few exceptions. It’s important to be realistic. If you don’t have a stable source of income or someone to rely on if your career doesn’t work out, you could end up in trouble. Many people head to places like LA thinking they will make it big, but they end up struggling and homeless. It’s important to pursue your dreams, but also have a backup plan for stability.

  • Do Not Be Desperate

Desperation is the worst energy you can have. It stems from fear and lack. When I was younger, I was desperate for money, but it would disappear quickly. When I started my TikTok, I no longer cared about money. I found my passion in helping others, and that's when the money started to come. Anything you’re desperate for will run from you. Focus on the work, and if you need money, get a job. Don’t be ashamed of any job that helps you get to your goal. Once you focus on your abundance, the universe will bring more. Your heart will open, and when your heart opens, money will follow. Money is energy, not just paper. If everything collapsed tomorrow, that paper would mean nothing.


Thank you for reading! I hope you learned something valuable. Take these lessons to heart and keep growing. See you in the next post!


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